Snowdon Triple Challenge

Grab this opportunity to pit yourself against the spectacular landscape of Snowdonia National Park in this tough and exciting multi-activity challenge. You'll summit the mighty Snowdon as well as tackling challenging biking and kayaking sections all the while surrounded by this stunning part of the UK.

  • The ultimate challenge to conquer some of the UK's most rugged landscape

  • Tackle all terrains as you cycle, trek and kayak in just one day in the heart of Snowdonia

  • Summit the highest peak in Wales, the famous Snowdon at 1,085m

  • Experience one of the UK's best natural adventure playgrounds

  • Enjoy the pride of completing all three challenges in just one day!

Taking in the summit of Wales’ highest mountain, over the course of a single day you’ll push yourself across a variety of terrains. 

You’ll challenge yourself mentally and physically as you take on some of the most demanding landscapes in Britain on foot, by bike and in a kayak. The trip may be short, but it is far from a walk in the park as you confront steep climbs and gruelling hills over the 36km route. 


Hadrians Wall Trek


Coast to Coast